Journaling Corner
What is Bible Journaling?
The answer is it can be different things to different people! There is no right or wrong way to do it - it is a creative way of expressing how a passage of scripture speaks to you personally.
For me, it has been a path for getting into God's word in a way in which I have not experienced before. Reading shorter passages but spending much more time reflecting on what they are saying to me personally. Then taking time to express my thoughts/ feelings in a creative way on the page, that I can look back on later.
Bible journaling can be done in several types of bible that are now specially produced for this, or in a simple notebook or scrapbook.
You can start simply with crayons and a few stickers - but beware! It's addictive and your 'kit' will grow quickly.
The purpose of this 'Journaling Corner' is for me to share with you some pictures of what I get up to and some videos to help you get started if you are interested in bible journaling.
If you have any questions you can contact me - Jane Foster - through the church website - and I'll try to help. I'm not an expert - just enthusiastic and wanting to share my interest with others.
To start us off I am going to upload some pictures of pages from my Illustrating bible. This is a large, spiral ring bound bible produced by Day Spring especially for journaling. It has extra wide margins, this allows room for creativity!
These are all pages from the psalms.
Types of Journaling Bible:
There are many different types of bibles now produced for journaling. I have included a few below that I think are useful examples, but there are many to choose from. It is important to think about what you want and not make impulse purchases, as these are quite costly, so you want to choose what is right for you.
This is the ESV interleaved bible. It gives a full page for creativity between every page of biblical text.
This is the Illustrating bible, and the one I currently use. It has extra wide margins for creative use. It is also spiral bound which means the pages lay flat, even f you use larger media such as tile stickers or paper flowers.
This is the Inspire NLT colouring bible. There are lots of margins with printed colourings to complete and some free to create in. However they are not very wide. This is the bible I started with, but quickly grew out of as I wanted more space to create!
The first video below is an introduction to bible journaling.
The video below shows some of the kit you might need to start you off on your bible journaling journey.
This image is illustrating Job 38 v37 'Who can tilt the water jars of heaven.'
We looked at this chapter of Job in our Lent study group and I was inspired to create the image below. I found the water jar images on the Internet and printed them on sticker paper. The water was painted using versacolour inks and the ground made using finger daubers and inks.