Stratton Methodist Church

Poem - Fruit of the spirit

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is love, for all nations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is joy, praise with elations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is peace, conflict cessations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is patience, lasting generations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is kindness, good relations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is goodness, no condemnations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is faithfulness, time with God, prayer stations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is gentleness, soft sensations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is self-control, avoiding temptations.


The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is love, for all God’s creations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is joy, happiness, jubilations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is peace, compassionate orations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is patience, waiting for informations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is kindness, charitable donations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is goodness, gentle affirmations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is faithfulness, church congregations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is gentleness, loving confirmations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is self-control, making allowances, adaptations.


The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is love, for all peoples, adorations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is joy, worship, share celebrations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is peace, listening, understanding vocations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is patience, slow revelations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is kindness, offering heartfelt invitations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is goodness, rising up, elevations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is faithfulness, Christian foundations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is gentleness, graceful interpretations,

The fruits of the spirit in Galatians,

One of these is self-control, measured conversations.