Stratton Methodist Church

Poem - Rainbow Prayer

My Rainbow Prayer - by Helen Kinnett


Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, we all know,

The spectrum of colours, an arc, a rainbow,

So listen, be still and be aware,

Share with me now, my rainbow prayer.


Red – A symbol of God’s eternal love, a heart,

I will never leave you, we’ll never be apart,

A love so great, Jesus died for me,

A love so great, for all to see.


Orange – All the good fruits, of all the earth,

Crucifixion of Jesus, unmeasurable worth,

A golden sun, in the sky, light unfurled,

A candle flame, Jesus, Light of the World.


Yellow – The Lent Lily, showing God’s creation skills,

A field of yellow, a field of daffodils,

The pale moon and the stars so bright,

God, by His hand, created light.


Green – Shoots, plants and a gentle, serene mood,

Growing and sowing, our seeds, our food,

Blades of grass, a new leaf and buds on the trees,

Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays on His knees.

Blue – Bluebells in woods, shadows on snow,

Signs of new life are starting to grow,

Oceans and streams, the clear summer sky,

Jesus, the Living Water, to you and I.


Indigo – Berries, butterflies and mountains covered in heather,

All the colours of the sky, in stormy weather,

The purple robe, worn by kings from their birth,

The royal symbol, a cloth of great worth.


Violet – A gentle perfume, fragrant and sweet,

Parma Violets, a treat to eat,

A tiny, beautiful, delicate flower,

God always with us, hour by hour.


rainbow of colours, in the dark, rainy sky,

Reveals God’s great love, He sent Jesus to die,

rainbow of colours, placed in the sunny sky above,

                        Shows us the promise, of God’s unending love .